
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ø Equal learning opportunities to children from low-income families.

Ø Providing quality education to children by equipping them with better learning aids in low-funded schools.

Ø Implementing better education mechanisms through projects in education domain.

Ø Pilot project - implementation of a library in such schools which the students and teachers can equally make use of.

Ø Creating an environment wherein students are encouraged to come out with their own talents that would serve in building a positive learning atmosphere.

Ø Engaging students in learning oriented activities that would further inculcate in them the reading habit.

Ø Organizing fund-raising events by inviting volunteer groups to help the cause.

Ø Roping in volunteers from colleges and corporates who can add value by delivering quality sessions spanning across topics.

Ø Building an interactive atmosphere by making use of audio-visual tools.

Ø Incorporating various sponsorship schemes for donors that would further help in a child’s education.

Ø Incentive programmes for teaching staff to drive them to come up with their best.

Ø Upon the fulfillment of above objectives,in the long term,setting up a school that would cater to better education opportunities to underprivileged children.

The Dream

Monday, January 11, 2010

Shikshanirmaan - in English means "building / constructing education". We dream to do so, achieve so, by a practical implementation of our idea.

The youth college goers (like myself a few years ago) in the Indian cities buy a lot of books, sell a lot more of them. Most of the times, they are either reference books or university prescribed books. Buyers are usually 'used book' vendors or buyers' known associations. What the vendors do not buy or the sellers do not sell are primary and secondary grade school books. Takers exist, sellers exist as well, but school books at every household generally get trashed out. As students move on to higher grades at school, the entire used / studied inventory gets stored at home and eventually, with time, move into the bin.

We surveyed some partner schools running on low fund grants for underprivileged children and we identified a need, other than funding and child care - a literary need. Most of those schools are deprived of a library within the school premises, and most of the students have never known the meaning of such a self-learning environment without a teacher bound under the 4 walls of a room. A place of their own, a place where the students can feel an ocean of learning and reference.

To inculcate a positive reading habit within those children and a feel of self-discipline, we decided to reach out to private schools that are well-funded and being run for children who would usually fall into our segment of inventory opportunity.

We intend to fuel the need-based idea with mechanisms that will create an awareness among students, school administration and families to share their learning material, reference and prescribed school text books with the underprivileged needy, to create and build a symbiotic learning empowerment among the entire school student community.

We believe in our dream and we are out to fulfill it. Please join us with whatever you can, even if it is a page to share - it will be our pleasure to accept.